Monday, October 12, 2009

New iPod Touch

Sorry for the delay in postings; I haven't had much desire to update this blog for some odd reason but this is a special post related to the newest event that's happened. I finally got an iPod Touch! In fact, I'm actually posting this right from it at the moment.

Despite it costing me $300 for the 32GB model, it was definitely worth getting. This is my very first iPod ever if you can believe that and since this is my first, why not go big? I could have gotten the 64 gig one, but I dun think I'd need that much.

Now, what's cool about the Touch, it's more than an iPod; it's a mini computer, too, with all the apps iPhone provides. Sadly, it usually says it's an iPhone because it uses the iPhone OS for the apps and can't differentiate which model it is.

Mmmkay, this will wrap this up. Kind of a bad post but that's all I can really all I can come up with. Bye!
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